Understanding the socioeconomic profile of people who experienced opioid overdoses in British Columbia, 2014 to 2016

Articles and reports: 82-003-X202100200003


Following the 2016 opioid overdose emergency declaration in British Columbia, provincial stakeholders collaborated to link data that resulted in the British Columbia Provincial Overdose Cohort. This database provides information about people who have experienced opioid overdoses to inform policy and intervention developments. Subsequently, Statistics Canada likewise constructed a cohort and integrated federal data to broaden the scope of the British Columbia initiative. This provided federally sourced information about people’s circumstances that was not otherwise available.

Issue Number: 2021002
Author(s): Carriere, Gisèle; Sanmartin, Claudia; Garner, Rochelle

Main Product: Health Reports

FormatRelease dateMore information
HTMLFebruary 17, 2021
PDFFebruary 17, 2021