Labour Force Information, July 13 to 19, 2014 - ARCHIVED


Issue Number: 2014007

Main Product: Labour Force Information

FormatRelease dateMore information
HTMLAugust 8, 2014
  • Correction: August 15, 2014

    An error was detected in the processing of the August 8 2014 Labour Force Survey release. This error only impacts the July 2014 estimates. The source of the error was identified and corrected estimates were released August 15, 2014.

PDFAugust 8, 2014
  • Correction: August 15, 2014

    An error was detected in the processing of the August 8 2014 Labour Force Survey release. This error only impacts the July 2014 estimates. The source of the error was identified and corrected estimates were released August 15, 2014.

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