Investment and capital stock

Service: 68C0005


Data on investment and capital stock by type of asset are now available by province for federal; provincial and territorial; and local, municipal and regional public administration industries (1961-2005). These series are presented on the basis of the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS Canada 2002). Both current and constant dollar series are available.
Definitions, data sources and methods: survey number 2820.

Also, detailed data on investment and capital stock by function (or purpose of investment) are now available for the local, municipal and regional public administration industry (1988 - 2005). These series are presented on the basis of the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS Canada 2002). Both current and constant dollar series are available.

To order data or for more information, or to enquire about the concepts, methods or data quality of this release, for asset data (1961-2005) contact Yves Gauthier (613-951-0188), Investment and Capital Stock Division, or for function data (1988 - 2005 local, municipal and regional public administration) contact Aldo Diaz (613-951-8563), Public Institutions Division.

Frequency: Occasional
Price notes:

The cost of each custom product is based on the time required to produce it according to the client's requirements. The hourly rate is $91.37

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