Labour Productivity Differences Between Domestic and Foreign-controlled Establishments in the Canadian Manufacturing Sector - ARCHIVED

Articles and reports: 11F0019M2000118


This study uses data to study differences in labour productivity gains across domestic and foreign-controlled establishments in the manufacturing sector for the period 1973 to 1993. In doing so, it also examines the extent to which labour productivity differences exist between small and large establishments and across industry sectors and how they have been changing over time.

The analysis consists of three parts. In the first section, the connection between labour usage and output is examined. This analysis investigates differences in marginal labour propensities for the different subgroups in the short and long-run. Here volatility is seen to be lower for foreign-controlled establishments. The second section examines the difference between the growth in average labour productivity for the same groups. Here foreign-controlled establishments are seen to have the highest growth rates. The third section investigates whether any trend can be found in the rates of growth for large and small, domestic and foreign establishments and finds that these differences have been increasing over time.

Issue Number: 2000118
Author(s): Baldwin, John; Dhaliwal, Naginder
FormatRelease dateMore information
PDFMarch 1, 2000

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