Recent Developments in the Canadian Economy: Fall 2012 - ARCHIVED

Articles and reports: 11-626-X2012019


This special edition article in the Economic Insights series is designed to provide users with a concise, integrated summary of recent changes in output, employment, household demand, international trade and prices. It places recent movements in these economic data into context by highlighting the cumulative changes that have occurred subsequent to the recession of 2008-09. Organized as a statistical summary of major indicators, the report is designed to facilitate ongoing assessments of the Canadian economy.

All of the output data presented in this report are consistent with those published in the historical revision to the Canadian System of National Accounts (CSNA12), released on October 1, 2012. All data are seasonally adjusted and expressed in current dollars unless otherwise stated.

Issue Number: 2012019
Author(s): Bloskie, Cyndi; Gellatly, Guy

Main Product: Economic Insights

FormatRelease dateMore information
HTMLOctober 19, 2012
PDFOctober 19, 2012