The Retail Cannabis Market in Canada: A Portrait of the First Year - ARCHIVED

Articles and reports: 11-621-M2019005


The Canadian federal government legalized non-medical cannabis in Canada effective October 2018. The present study sheds light on the evolving structure of the retail market, the trends in retail sales and the access of Canadians to retail cannabis stores through measures of physical proximity. Furthermore, it discusses different retail models; i.e. public and private retail stores as well as online versus in-store sales.

Issue Number: 2019005
Author(s): Taves, Rebecca

Main Product: Analysis in Brief

FormatRelease dateMore information
HTMLDecember 11, 2019
  • Correction: December 12, 2019

    A correction was made to reflect that online cannabis distribution in Alberta is conducted under the public retail model and not the private model as originally indicated.

PDFDecember 11, 2019
  • Correction: December 12, 2019

    A correction was made to reflect that online cannabis distribution in Alberta is conducted under the public retail model and not the private model as originally indicated.