Survey Series on People and their Communities - ARCHIVED

Articles and reports: 11-522-X202200100011

Description: In 2021, Statistics Canada initiated the Disaggregated Data Action Plan, a multi-year initiative to support more representative data collection methods, enhance statistics on diverse populations to allow for intersectional analyses, and support government and societal efforts to address known inequalities and bring considerations of fairness and inclusion into decision making. As part of this initiative, we are building the Survey Series on People and their Communities, a new probabilistic panel specifically designed to collect data that can be disaggregated according to racialized group. This new tool will allow us to address data gaps and emerging questions related to diversity. This paper will give an overview of the design of the Survey Series on People and their Communities.
Issue Number: 2022001
Author(s): Waye, Agnes; Boulet, Cilanne
FormatRelease dateMore information
PDFMarch 25, 2024

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