Chart 1
Year-over-year percentage change of average percentage of businesses in services-producing industries offering remote work arrangement, self-contained labour areas (SLAs) and urban labour markets

% -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 I II 2023 III IV I II 2024 III SLAsSLAs Urban labour marketUrban labour market
Canadian Survey on Business (5318), Business Register (1105) and 2021 Census of Population (3901).

Chart description

This is a column clustered chart.

Year-over-year percentage change of average percentage of businesses in services-producing industries offering remote work arrangement, self-contained labour areas (SLAs) and urban labour markets, %
  SLAs Urban labour market
First quarter 2023 7.9 -9.1
Second quarter 2023 3.6 -1.5
Third quarter 2023 6.3 28.8
Fourth quarter 2023 6.5 -0.1
First quarter 2024 -10.0 11.2
Second quarter 2024 -17.5 -9.4
Third quarter 2024 0.7 -15.0
Canadian Survey on Business (5318), Business Register (1105) and 2021 Census of Population (3901).
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