Certified organic fruit and vegetable production estimates, 2023
Released: 2024-07-16
Certified organic fruit and vegetable production declines in 2023
The farm-gate value of certified organic fruit and vegetable production fell 11.1% to $174.3 million in 2023. Organic fruit production was down by one-third from 2022 mainly because of adverse weather conditions in key provinces, while organic vegetable production decreased 2.1%.
The value and cultivated area of organic fruit fall
In 2023, the total cultivated area of certified organic fruit accounted for 9.9% of the total fruit area (conventional and organic), down slightly from 10.2% in 2022.
The total cultivated area of certified organic fruit in Canada decreased 8.2% from a year earlier to 12 823 hectares in 2023. Fruit-bearing area was down 9.5% to 8 214 hectares.
The farm-gate value of organic fruit decreased 21.8% to $83.1 million in 2023, primarily attributable to a 52.2% drop (to $19.4 million) in the farm-gate value of certified organic cranberries. Quebec's organic cranberry area has declined since 2020, decreasing 580 acres to 1,146 acres in 2023.
Sales were also down for certified organic highbush blueberries (-6.4%), certified organic wild blueberries (-11.4%), certified organic vinifera grapes (-7.0%) and certified organic strawberries (-9.6%).
Conversely, the farm-gate value increased for certified organic sweet cherries (+12.6%) and certified organic apples (+1.3%).
Trade deficit of cultivated certified organic blueberries
In 2023, Canada exported 1.1 million kilograms of fresh cultivated certified organic blueberries and imported 3.3 million kilograms, with the majority of imports originating from the United States, Mexico and Chile.
The cultivated area of certified organic vegetables is relatively stable
The share of the total field vegetable area dedicated to certified organic cultivation was relatively stable—5.3% in 2022 and 5.4% in 2023.
In 2023, nearly two-thirds (65.2%) of this organic area was situated in Quebec, followed by Ontario (23.0%) and British Columbia (7.7%).
The total production of certified organic vegetables (excluding potatoes and greenhouse vegetables) declined 2.1% to 50.8 million kilograms in 2023, primarily attributable to a 1.4% drop in cultivated area, to 5 643 hectares.
The farm-gate value of organic vegetables totalled $91.2 million in 2023, accounting for 5.7% of the total farm-gate value of field vegetables. Quebec accounted for more than half of this total, at $49.6 million, followed by Ontario ($17.4 million) and British Columbia ($16.0 million).
Just over one-third of certified organic carrots sold in Canada are locally grown
Imports of various certified organic vegetables highlight their importance to consumers in Canada. From 2020 to 2023, for example, Canada imported an annual average of 8.7 million kilograms of carrots and 7.4 million kilograms of lettuce.
Nevertheless, domestic production held a significant share of the certified organic vegetable market, accounting for just over one-third (34.2%) of certified organic carrot supply and one-sixth (17.5%) of certified organic lettuce supply.
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Note to readers
These estimates should be used with caution. The organic farm database, which was used to identify which farms in the Fruits and Vegetables Survey are organic, is not complete. Therefore, there may be undercoverage in the estimates. The use of administrative data to improve the quality of the estimates has been limited to Quebec.
The estimates of cultivated area and production for certified organic fruits and vegetables were derived from the Fruits and Vegetables Survey. The Fruits and Vegetables Survey tracks the total cultivated area, harvested area, total production, marketed production and farm-gate value of selected fruits and vegetables grown in Canada, including in certified organic and conventional farms. Our regular release for the entire estimates was published on February 16, 2024.
Administrative data sources were also used, such as cultivated area collected by the Conseil des appellations réservées et des termes valorisants, to enhance the quality of the data.
Farm-gate value is the value received by producers at the point of first transaction, when ownership first changes hands. This value excludes any separately billed costs such as delivery, storage, marketing and administration.
For the latest information on the Census of Agriculture, visit the Census of Agriculture portal.
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