Chart 5
Imports of unwrought gold, silver, and platinum group metals, and their alloys

millions of current dollars 400 600 800 1,000 1,200 1,400 1,600 1,800 2,000 2,200 2,400 May 2021 2022 2023 May 2024
Data are on a balance-of-payments basis and are seasonally adjusted.

Chart description

This is a line chart.

Imports of unwrought gold, silver, and platinum group metals, and their alloys
  millions of current dollars
May 2021 1,296
June 2021 1,107
July 2021 1,109
August 2021 1,140
September 2021 942
October 2021 711
November 2021 672
December 2021 740
January 2022 653
February 2022 728
March 2022 778
April 2022 1,009
May 2022 901
June 2022 799
July 2022 745
August 2022 793
September 2022 733
October 2022 884
November 2022 700
December 2022 858
January 2023 810
February 2023 590
March 2023 759
April 2023 770
May 2023 1,261
June 2023 2,191
July 2023 1,315
August 2023 1,120
September 2023 1,246
October 2023 732
November 2023 933
December 2023 1,080
January 2024 706
February 2024 653
March 2024 1,051
April 2024 1,432
May 2024 775
Data are on a balance-of-payments basis and are seasonally adjusted.
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