Chart 1
Retail sales decrease in November

billions of dollars 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 Nov. 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Nov. 2023 Current dollarsCurrent dollars Trend-cycle (current dollars)Trend-cycle (current dollars) 2017 chained dollars2017 chained dollars Trend-cycle (2017 chained dollars)Trend-cycle (2017 chained dollars)
The higher variability associated with the trend-cycle estimates is indicated with a dotted line on the chart for the current reference month and the previous three months. For more information, see the Note to readers.

Chart description

This is a line chart.

Retail sales decrease in November, billions of dollars
  Current dollars Trend-cycle (current dollars) 2017 chained dollars Trend-cycle (2017 chained dollars)
November 2018 52.976 53.301 52.021 52.243
December 2018 53.387 53.264 52.465 52.196
January 2019 52.908 53.249 52.108 52.120
February 2019 52.997 53.322 51.794 52.060
March 2019 53.628 53.476 52.052 52.050
April 2019 53.786 53.699 52.035 52.130
May 2019 54.093 53.912 52.180 52.235
June 2019 53.802 54.008 52.242 52.281
July 2019 54.382 54.133 52.640 52.379
August 2019 54.350 54.185 52.651 52.414
September 2019 54.363 54.385 52.565 52.524
October 2019 53.625 54.808 51.749 52.839
November 2019 54.040 54.611 52.016 52.578
December 2019 55.350 53.705 53.274 51.682
January 2020 54.767 52.424 52.416 50.515
February 2020 54.884 50.714 52.485 49.005
March 2020 48.747 49.050 47.646 47.587
April 2020 37.510 48.344 37.090 47.048
May 2020 45.879 49.217 44.978 47.933
June 2020 55.865 51.313 54.176 49.891
July 2020 56.327 53.801 54.423 52.176
August 2020 56.163 55.726 54.241 53.878
September 2020 57.934 57.178 55.893 55.105
October 2020 58.443 58.038 56.221 55.791
November 2020 58.637 57.953 56.266 55.594
December 2020 56.578 57.713 54.094 55.254
January 2021 55.355 57.892 52.867 55.320
February 2021 58.905 58.215 56.091 55.530
March 2021 61.538 58.527 58.680 55.723
April 2021 58.407 58.760 55.616 55.817
May 2021 56.949 58.997 53.912 55.878
June 2021 59.438 59.476 56.130 56.111
July 2021 60.102 59.955 56.483 56.301
August 2021 61.087 60.393 57.004 56.397
September 2021 60.682 60.925 56.405 56.534
October 2021 61.619 61.569 56.818 56.716
November 2021 62.351 62.034 56.976 56.683
December 2021 61.775 62.417 56.068 56.517
January 2022 63.237 62.956 56.647 56.404
February 2022 63.589 63.491 56.506 56.263
March 2022 63.758 64.064 55.750 56.165
April 2022 64.027 64.538 55.810 56.091
May 2022 65.719 64.953 56.372 56.078
June 2022 66.309 65.219 56.359 56.086
July 2022 64.825 65.228 55.658 56.066
August 2022 65.011 65.229 56.287 56.142
September 2022 64.709 65.278 56.254 56.291
October 2022 65.523 65.355 56.298 56.467
November 2022 65.407 65.437 56.307 56.675
December 2022 65.432 65.608 57.090 56.955
January 2023 66.378 65.746 57.642 57.192
February 2023 66.135 65.792 57.659 57.338
March 2023 65.117 65.781 57.019 57.408
April 2023 65.788 65.768 57.389 57.426
May 2023 65.824 65.835 57.545 57.425
June 2023 65.871 65.955 57.502 57.421
July 2023 66.155 66.072 57.424 57.423
August 2023 66.074 66.234 57.164 57.466
September 2023 66.422 66.390 57.365 57.541
October 2023 66.752 66.482 57.933 57.609
November 2023 66.608 66.573 57.837 57.684
The higher variability associated with the trend-cycle estimates is indicated with a dotted line on the chart for the current reference month and the previous three months. For more information, see the Note to readers.
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