Chart 7
International merchandise trade balance

millions of current dollars -15,000 -10,000 -5,000 0 5,000 10,000 15,000 Nov. 2020 2021 2022 Sept. 2023 Total trade balanceTotal trade balance Trade balance with the United StatesTrade balance with the United States Trade balance with countries other than the United StatesTrade balance with countries other than the United States
Data are on a balance-of-payments basis and are seasonally adjusted.

Chart description

This is a combined line chart.

International merchandise trade balance, millions of current dollars
  Total trade balance Trade balance with the United States Trade balance with countries other than the United States
November 2020 -3,401 2,657 -6,058
December 2020 -1,625 2,821 -4,446
January 2021 769 5,530 -4,761
February 2021 716 6,740 -6,024
March 2021 -1,949 3,793 -5,743
April 2021 122 6,184 -6,062
May 2021 -2,045 5,787 -7,832
June 2021 1,684 7,483 -5,800
July 2021 1,005 7,355 -6,350
August 2021 1,086 7,968 -6,883
September 2021 750 7,974 -7,224
October 2021 1,919 8,476 -6,557
November 2021 2,106 9,404 -7,298
December 2021 -1,580 7,046 -8,625
January 2022 3,129 10,008 -6,880
February 2022 2,991 10,804 -7,814
March 2022 1,893 11,898 -10,004
April 2022 1,822 12,249 -10,428
May 2022 4,198 13,000 -8,802
June 2022 3,354 12,101 -8,747
July 2022 1,699 10,018 -8,319
August 2022 -93 9,503 -9,596
September 2022 816 9,277 -8,462
October 2022 734 9,000 -8,266
November 2022 130 7,558 -7,428
December 2022 1,214 8,281 -7,067
January 2023 1,284 8,714 -7,430
February 2023 -582 8,332 -8,914
March 2023 -249 7,017 -7,265
April 2023 783 8,674 -7,891
May 2023 -2,916 7,553 -10,469
June 2023 -4,983 6,469 -11,452
July 2023 -510 8,635 -9,146
August 2023 949 11,006 -10,057
September 2023 2,038 11,657 -9,619
Data are on a balance-of-payments basis and are seasonally adjusted.
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