Map 1
Crop and pasture growth conditions as of May 28, 2023, compared with the average (as observed from 1987 to 2022), by census division, Western Canada

001&8211;1, 001

Map description

The title of the map is "Crop and pasture growth conditions as of May 28, 2023, compared with the average (as observed from 1987 to 2022), by census division, Western Canada"

This map shows crop and pasture growth conditions as of May 28, 2023, compared with the average (as observed from 1987 to 2022), by census division, Western Canada. Most regions are showing growth conditions that are similar to the average in the western portion of the Prairies and lower than average in the eastern portion.

Source(s): Crop Condition Assessment Program (5177), 2023.

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