Table 2 
Wholesale merchants' sales by province and territory—seasonally adjusted 

Wholesale merchants' sales by province and territory—seasonally adjusted
  March 2022 February 2023r March 2023p February to March 2023 March 2022 to March 2023
  millions of dollarsmillions of dollarsmillions of dollars % change% change
Canada 80,111 85,735 85,617 -0.1 6.9
Newfoundland and Labrador 421 401 471 17.5 11.9
Prince Edward Island 130 125 121 -3.7 -7.2
Nova Scotia 1,176 1,172 1,220 4.1 3.8
New Brunswick 784 805 844 4.9 7.6
Quebec 14,966 14,972 16,025 7.0 7.1
Ontario 40,457 43,038 43,684 1.5 8.0
Manitoba 1,821 2,488 2,567 3.2 40.9
Saskatchewan 3,355 4,875 4,376 -10.2 30.4
Alberta 8,568 10,198 8,456 -17.1 -1.3
British Columbia 8,384 7,589 7,796 2.7 -7.0
Yukon x x x x x
Northwest Territories 27 36 31 -14.6 14.5
Nunavut x x x x x
suppressed to meet the confidentiality requirements of the Statistics Act
  • Figures may not add up to totals as a result of rounding.
  • Data for the year 2023 includes the oilseed and grain merchant wholesalers industry, while the year 2022 excludes it.
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