Chart 1
Women were more than three times more likely than men to experience harassment in road transportation

Rail transportation Road transportation Air transportation Postal services and pipelines Feed, flour, seed and grain Maritime transportation Total, federal jurisdiction Telecommunications Banks 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 proportion who experienced harassment (%) WomenWomen MenMen
Percentage of federal jurisdiction employees aged 18 and older who experienced harassment at work in the last 2 years, as of the last date they worked in a federal jurisdiction business from 2020 to 2022.
Survey of Employees Under Federal Jurisdiction, 2022 (5312).

Chart description

This is a bar clustered chart.

Women were more than three times more likely than men to experience harassment in road transportation, proportion who experienced harassment (%)
  Women Men
Rail transportation 13.8 10.8
Road transportation 12.0 3.5
Air transportation 11.0 6.6
Postal services and pipelines 10.6 6.7
Feed, flour, seed and grain 9.6 7.0
Maritime transportation 8.8 7.2
Total, federal jurisdiction 6.5 5.1
Telecommunications 5.6 5.5
Banks 3.1 3.9
Percentage of federal jurisdiction employees aged 18 and older who experienced harassment at work in the last 2 years, as of the last date they worked in a federal jurisdiction business from 2020 to 2022.
Survey of Employees Under Federal Jurisdiction, 2022 (5312).
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