Chart 4
Top Contributors¹ to growth in the second quarter are the main drivers of growth in the third quarter

Public sector² Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting Professional, scientific and technical services Mining and oil and gas extraction³ 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 percentage points Third quarter 2022Third quarter 2022 Second quarter 2022Second quarter 2022
Contribution to the percent change in gross domestic product.
Educational services, health care and social assistance, and public administration.
Includes quarrying.
Gross domestic product by industry (1301).

Chart description

This is a bar clustered chart.

Top Contributors¹ to growth in the second quarter are the main drivers of growth in the third quarter, percentage points
  Third quarter 2022 Second quarter 2022
Public sector² 0.217 0.110
Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting 0.157 0.073
Professional, scientific and technical services 0.110 0.105
Mining and oil and gas extraction³ 0.110 0.254
Contribution to the percent change in gross domestic product.
Educational services, health care and social assistance, and public administration.
Includes quarrying.
Gross domestic product by industry (1301).
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