Table 2 
Manufacturing sales by industry – Seasonally adjusted  

Manufacturing sales by industry – Seasonally adjusted
May to June 2022 June 2021 to June 2022
  millions of dollarsmillions of dollarsmillions of dollars % change1% change1
Food manufacturing 10,673 11,585 11,381 -1.8 6.6
Beverage and tobacco product 1,393 1,501 1,410 -6.0 1.2
Textile mills 152 164 174 6.3 14.2
Textile product mills 124 163 158 -2.9 27.8
Clothing manufacturing 214 262 255 -2.9 19.0
Leather and allied product 26 32 34 5.7 30.2
Wood product 5,088 4,249 3,942 -7.2 -22.5
Paper manufacturing 2,468 2,706 2,701 -0.2 9.4
Printing and related support activities 667 761 771 1.4 15.7
Petroleum and coal product 6,014 11,630 10,718 -7.8 78.2
Chemical 4,786 5,781 6,129 6.0 28.1
Plastics and rubber products 2,941 3,513 3,483 -0.9 18.4
Non-metallic mineral product 1,396 1,519 1,585 4.4 13.6
Primary metal 5,241 6,310 6,329 0.3 20.7
Fabricated metal product 3,604 4,361 4,500 3.2 24.9
Machinery 3,525 4,023 4,119 2.4 16.8
Computer and electronic product 1,233 1,526 1,540 0.9 25.0
Electrical equipment, appliance and component 926 1,116 1,132 1.4 22.3
Transportation equipment 7,555 8,452 8,640 2.2 14.4
Motor vehicle 2,933 3,282 3,735 13.8 27.4
Motor vehicle body and trailer 337 362 368 1.7 9.3
Motor vehicle parts 2,141 2,569 2,536 -1.3 18.4
Aerospace product and parts 1,501 1,564 1,301 -16.8 -13.3
Railroad rolling stock 172 156 139 -11.1 -19.3
Ship and boat building 223 239 256 6.9 14.7
Furniture and related product 1,087 1,366 1,417 3.7 30.4
Miscellaneous manufacturing 1,354 1,395 1,408 1.0 4.0
Non-durable goods industries 29,458 38,098 37,215 -2.3 26.3
Durable goods industries 31,008 34,317 34,611 0.9 11.6
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