Chart 1
Retail sales virtually unchanged in March

line chart&8211;Chart1, from March 2017 to March 2022
The higher variability associated with the trend-cycle estimates is indicated with a dotted line on the chart for the current reference month and the previous three months. For more information, see the Note to readers.

Chart description

This is a line chart.

Retail sales virtually unchanged in March, billions of dollars
  Current dollars Trend-cycle (current dollars) 2012 chained dollars Trend-cycle (2012 chained dollars)
March 2017 48.132 48.451 46.561 46.709
April 2017 48.990 48.639 47.158 46.946
May 2017 48.892 48.806 47.304 47.153
June 2017 48.932 48.944 47.468 47.298
July 2017 49.015 49.073 47.416 47.345
August 2017 49.072 49.303 47.232 47.407
September 2017 49.009 49.520 46.829 47.411
October 2017 50.410 49.736 48.217 47.415
November 2017 50.053 49.866 47.340 47.332
December 2017 50.078 49.953 47.197 47.262
January 2018 50.061 50.008 47.283 47.218
February 2018 49.797 50.070 46.939 47.223
March 2018 49.781 50.185 47.001 47.295
April 2018 49.973 50.358 47.014 47.420
May 2018 51.327 50.645 48.396 47.655
June 2018 51.112 50.856 48.030 47.794
July 2018 50.770 51.008 47.670 47.890
August 2018 51.034 51.092 47.796 47.953
September 2018 51.231 51.072 48.074 47.965
October 2018 51.406 50.982 48.102 47.930
November 2018 50.545 50.832 47.672 47.844
December 2018 50.862 50.781 48.030 47.798
January 2019 50.435 50.778 47.743 47.733
February 2019 50.489 50.871 47.404 47.678
March 2019 51.132 51.056 47.609 47.672
April 2019 51.429 51.302 47.662 47.739
May 2019 51.851 51.513 47.911 47.813
June 2019 51.506 51.580 47.849 47.817
July 2019 51.782 51.629 47.996 47.844
August 2019 51.713 51.595 48.002 47.817
September 2019 51.642 51.710 47.862 47.881
October 2019 50.949 52.050 47.159 48.150
November 2019 51.271 51.796 47.397 47.883
December 2019 52.345 50.886 48.422 47.044
January 2020 51.931 49.661 47.797 45.970
February 2020 52.137 48.032 47.935 44.560
March 2020 46.060 46.461 43.178 43.233
April 2020 35.196 45.819 33.279 42.716
May 2020 43.643 46.698 40.933 43.527
June 2020 53.419 48.738 49.510 45.332
July 2020 53.426 51.097 49.370 47.407
August 2020 53.255 52.892 49.254 48.947
September 2020 54.870 54.226 50.699 50.062
October 2020 55.517 54.990 51.179 50.682
November 2020 55.562 54.838 51.154 50.475
December 2020 53.315 54.592 48.946 50.175
January 2021 52.260 54.825 47.993 50.295
February 2021 55.787 55.220 51.057 50.536
March 2021 58.523 55.621 53.505 50.754
April 2021 55.624 55.914 50.621 50.844
May 2021 54.540 56.163 49.367 50.869
June 2021 56.792 56.570 51.192 51.007
July 2021 56.785 56.878 50.957 51.047
August 2021 57.699 57.148 51.494 51.026
September 2021 57.201 57.541 50.898 51.084
October 2021 58.219 58.135 51.395 51.218
November 2021 58.751 58.580 51.479 51.221
December 2021 57.920 58.918 50.443 51.156
January 2022 59.952 59.308 51.560 51.148
February 2022 60.078 59.607 51.311 51.117
March 2022 60.093 59.900 50.801 51.110
The higher variability associated with the trend-cycle estimates is indicated with a dotted line on the chart for the current reference month and the previous three months. For more information, see the Note to readers.
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