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Dairy statistics, March 2022

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Released: 2022-05-25

The total amount of milk sold off farms in March decreased 2.0% year over year to 793 961 kilolitres. Meanwhile, milk sold off farms for fluid purposes decreased 3.1% to 231 223 kilolitres. Milk sold off farms for industrial purposes decreased 1.5% year over year to 562 738 kilolitres.

Total cash receipts from milk and cream sold off farms amounted to $700.2 million in March, up 9.1% year over year. These trends were consistent with an increase in farm gate milk prices, driven by increased production costs.

Chart 1  Chart 1: Milk sold off farms in Canada
Milk sold off farms in Canada

  Note to readers

Dairy statistics are available for Canada and the provinces.

Milk sold off farms, total is the total milk sold from Canadian farms; it includes milk for fluid purposes and milk for industrial purposes.

Milk sold for fluid purposes is milk used for table milk and cream (excluding sour cream).

Milk sold for industrial purposes is milk used for manufactured products such as butter, cheese, yogurt and ice cream.

Data on dairy statistics have higher rates of estimation since the January 2021 reference month, as a result of higher non-response rates. These data may be subject to revision. For more information on estimation and imputation, refer to the "Related information" (Definitions, data sources and methods) for this release.

For the latest information on the Census of Agriculture, visit the Census of Agriculture portal.

For more information on agriculture and food, visit the Agriculture and food statistics portal.

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