Table 1 
Registered retirement savings plan contributors, Canada, provinces and territories 

Registered retirement savings plan contributors, Canada, provinces and territories
2020 – Contributors2019 to 2020 – Contributors2020 – Contributors2020 – Total contributions2019 to 2020 – Total contributions2020 – Median contributions2019 to 2020 – Median contributions
  number change in % % of tax filers thousands of dollars change in % dollars change in %
Canada 6,201,670 4.9 22.3 50,053,300 13.1 3,600 10.4
Newfoundland and Labrador 60,740 -1.7 14.9 481,030 -6.4 3,300 -8.3
Prince Edward Island 20,500 6.5 17.2 147,265 11.2 3,120 4.7
Nova Scotia 122,370 3.9 16.6 855,015 8.9 2,970 10.0
New Brunswick 94,340 2.4 15.7 659,805 7.6 3,000 6.0
Quebec 1,719,310 6.6 26.3 13,455,150 17.3 3,420 14.0
Ontario 2,272,520 5.5 21.3 19,358,980 14.1 3,790 8.3
Manitoba 191,790 3.7 19.8 1,215,810 11.8 2,540 5.8
Saskatchewan 171,310 0.1 20.7 1,106,610 6.5 2,890 6.6
Alberta 732,320 1.1 23.8 5,817,850 6.1 3,560 1.7
British Columbia 801,060 5.5 21.0 6,830,360 12.6 4,040 6.3
Yukon 6,890 4.1 24.5 55,715 8.2 3,800 6.7
Northwest Territories 6,480 2.2 22.3 50,915 9.6 3,820 8.5
Nunavut 2,070 3.0 10.1 18,805 22.1 4,940 26.7
Income and Financial Data of Individuals, Preliminary T1 Family File (4106), table 11-10-0044-10.
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