Chart 2
The 2019 median wages of immigrants admitted as children by age and immigration category, relative to the overall Canadian population

Age 30 in 2019 Age 25 in 2019 Age 20 in 2019 0 20,000 40,000 60,000 2019 median wages Economic ImmigrantEconomic Immigrant RefugeeRefugee Immigrant sponsored by familyImmigrant sponsored by family Canadian populationCanadian population
2020 Longitudinal Immigration Database (5057) and table 43-10-0075-01.

Chart description

This is a bar clustered chart.

The 2019 median wages of immigrants admitted as children by age and immigration category, relative to the overall Canadian population , 2019 median wages
  Economic Immigrant Refugee Immigrant sponsored by family Canadian population
Age 30 in 2019 55,500 43,200 41,000 42,940
Age 25 in 2019 33,700 27,000 29,800 30,290
Age 20 in 2019 10,600 11,500 11,700 12,900
2020 Longitudinal Immigration Database (5057) and table 43-10-0075-01.
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