Table 2 
Pride in selected Canadian achievements, by age group, Canada, 2020  

Pride in selected Canadian achievements, by age group, Canada, 2020
  Pride in Canada's health care system Pride in Canada's health care system Pride in Canada's health care system Pride in the way democracy works in Canada Pride in the way democracy works in Canada Pride in the way democracy works in Canada Pride in Canada's treatment of all groups in society Pride in Canada's treatment of all groups in society Pride in Canada's treatment of all groups in society
  % 95% confidence interval - lower 95% confidence interval - upper % 95% confidence interval - lower 95% confidence interval - upper % 95% confidence interval - lower 95% confidence interval - upper
15 to 34 (ref.) 75.3 73.3 77.1 61.5 59.2 63.7 43.3 41.0 45.6
35 to 54 73.0 71.7 74.4 70.31 69.0 71.7 52.91 51.3 54.5
55 and older 73.9 72.8 75.0 71.01 69.8 72.1 49.91 48.5 51.3
Pride level estimates include both "proud" and "very proud" categories.
Statistics Canada, General Social Survey – Social Identity, 2020 (5024).
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