Table 1 
Month-to-month changes in activity, by index 

Month-to-month changes in activity, by index
October 2020 – PCA-based indexesNovember 2020 – PCA-based indexesOctober to November 2020 – PCA-based indexesOctober 2020 – LASSO-based indexesNovember 2020 – LASSO-based indexesOctober to November 2020 – LASSO-based indexes
  % change% change change in percentage points % change% change change in percentage points
Newfoundland and Labrador .. .. .. 0.89 1.52 0.63
Prince Edward Island 3.28 0.79 -2.49 0.13 0.3 0.17
Nova Scotia 5.06 -2.48 -7.54 0.67 0.23 -0.44
New Brunswick 1.31 2.65 1.34 0.39 -0.26 -0.65
Quebec -0.85 -0.59 0.26 0.09 -0.27 -0.36
Ontario 2.53 -0.04 -2.57 0.86 0.07 -0.79
Manitoba 0.17 1.44 1.27 0.36 0.19 -0.17
Saskatchewan 2.34 -0.68 -3.02 0.49 0.58 0.09
Alberta 4.46 -1.55 -6.01 1.95 -0.87 -2.82
British Columbia 3.30 -0.56 -3.86 0.83 0.39 -0.44
Yukon 0.58 1.10 0.52 0.52 0.41 -0.11
Northwest Territories 1.60 1.50 -0.10 .. .. ..
Nunavut .. .. .. -0.11 0.93 1.04
not available for a specific reference period
PCA: Principal component analysis; LASSO: least absolute shrinkage and selection operator.
Author's calculations based on data from table 36-10-0633-01.
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