Chart 2
Reasons for increased consumption of cannabis since before the COVID-19 pandemic

Stress Boredom Loneliness Convenience such as due to lack of regular schedule, at home more often Ease of access Worsening of health or pain New products such as edibles, concentrates, vape pens and cartridges Other reason No particular reason 0 20 40 60 80 %
Canadian Perspectives Survey Series 6 (January 2021).

Chart description

This is a bar clustered chart.

Reasons for increased consumption of cannabis since before the COVID-19 pandemic
Stress 64.5
Boredom 57.5
Loneliness 38.9
Convenience such as due to lack of regular schedule, at home more often 37.6
Ease of access 29.2
Worsening of health or pain 21.2
New products such as edibles, concentrates, vape pens and cartridges 21.0
Other reason 12.9
No particular reason 3.8
Canadian Perspectives Survey Series 6 (January 2021).
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