Table 2 
Provincial total farm cash receipts 

Provincial total farm cash receipts
  January to December 2019 January to December 2020p January-December 2019 to January-December 2020p October to December 2019 October to December 2020p October-December 2019 to October-December 2020p
  millions of dollarsmillions of dollars % change1 millions of dollarsmillions of dollars % change1
Canada 66,366 71,713 8.1 18,764 19,271 2.7
Newfoundland and Labrador 142 130 -8.6 36 34 -5.3
Prince Edward Island 565 605 7.0 148 174 17.4
Nova Scotia 609 598 -1.7 193 184 -4.8
New Brunswick 872 878 0.6 255 236 -7.5
Quebec 9,664 10,326 6.8 2,700 2,886 6.9
Ontario 14,859 16,145 8.7 4,545 4,510 -0.8
Manitoba 6,635 7,015 5.7 1,737 1,903 9.5
Saskatchewan 14,085 16,639 18.1 4,042 4,373 8.2
Alberta 15,008 15,467 3.1 3,944 3,910 -0.9
British Columbia 3,927 3,911 -0.4 1,163 1,061 -8.8
Figures may not add to totals because of rounding.
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