Table 1 
Farm cash receipts of selected commodities 

Farm cash receipts of selected commodities
  January to December 2019 January to December 2020p January-December 2019 to January-December 2020p October to December 2019 October to December 2020p October-December 2019 to October-December 2020p
  millions of dollarsmillions of dollars % change1 millions of dollarsmillions of dollars % change1
Total farm cash receipts 66,366 71,713 8.1 18,764 19,271 2.7
Total crops 36,677 41,889 14.2 10,507 11,155 6.2
Wheat (except durum wheat) 5,372 6,119 13.9 1,459 1,468 0.6
Durum wheat 1,342 1,671 24.5 379 526 38.8
Barley 949 1,080 13.8 311 361 16.0
Oats  598 694 16.0 196 180 -8.0
Flaxseed 215 306 42.1 68 130 92.1
Canola 8,613 10,250 19.0 2,707 2,879 6.4
Soybeans 2,519 2,827 12.2 1,288 1,339 4.0
Corn for grain 2,282 2,071 -9.2 803 821 2.2
Dry peas 890 1,077 21.0 217 235 8.1
Lentils 867 1,870 115.6 209 452 115.8
Dry beans 219 320 46.1 82 120 46.0
Fresh potatoes 1,293 1,347 4.1 336 373 11.1
Cannabis 2,309 4,014 73.9 900 1,022 13.5
Fresh greenhouse vegetables 1,587 1,613 1.6 312 317 1.9
Fresh field vegetables 1,878 1,831 -2.5 468 454 -3.0
Fresh fruit 1,206 1,174 -2.6 421 417 -0.9
Floriculture, nursery and sod 1,876 1,651 -12.0 369 325 -11.9
Other crops 2,329 2,331 0.1 733 685 -6.5
Deferments -1,536 -1,911 -24.5 -828 -1,041 -25.7
Liquidations 1,868 1,554 -16.8 77 91 18.0
Total livestock 26,570 26,364 -0.8 7,017 7,100 1.2
Cattle and calves 9,605 9,102 -5.2 2,668 2,481 -7.0
Hogs 4,607 4,677 1.5 1,153 1,355 17.5
Unprocessed milk 6,991 7,127 1.9 1,813 1,858 2.5
Sheep and lambs 190 225 18.7 43 60 40.0
Poultry and eggs 4,509 4,602 2.1 1,163 1,157 -0.6
Other livestock products 668 631 -5.6 176 188 7.0
Total direct payments 3,119 3,459 10.9 1,241 1,016 -18.1
Crop insurance 1,409 1,704 21.0 423 486 14.9
AgriInvest 262 262 0.1 59 83 40.4
AgriStability 366 453 23.9 126 122 -3.1
Other payments 1,083 1,040 -4.0 633 325 -48.6
Figures may not add to totals because of rounding.
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