Understanding crops in Canada: New visualization tool and infographic
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Released: 2021-01-12
Today, Statistics Canada is releasing two new products that will help Canadians to better understand the status and conditions of crops in Canada.
Visualization tool on crop production
A new, interactive data visualization tool that pools estimates from several agricultural surveys, focusing on crop production, is now available. It presents data on areas, production and sales of various agricultural products. Data are available by crop type, including field crops, fruits, maple products, ornamental products, potatoes and vegetables.
Users can use the different variables to compare or analyze the evolution over time of the area, production or sale of agricultural products. Data are available at the national and provincial levels and for a period that can go as far back as 1908, depending on the data source.
Infographic: Crop Condition Assessment Program during the 2020 growing season
The Crop Condition Assessment Program provides timely and reliable information on a weekly basis for management decisions on agricultural land conditions across Canada. A new infographic summarizes the 2020 crop growing season by showing the crop conditions when the vegetation growing index was at its peak across Canada.
The product "Crop production: Visualization tool" is now available as part of the series Statistics Canada ― Data Visualization Products (). 71-607-X
The infographic "Crop Condition Assessment Program during the 2020 growing season" is available as part of the series Statistics Canada ― Infographics (). 11-627-M
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