Table 2 
Merchandise trade: North American Product Classification System1 – Balance of payments basis, seasonally adjusted, current dollars 

Merchandise trade: North American Product Classification System – Balance of payments basis, seasonally adjusted, current dollars
  October 2019 September 2020r October 2020 September to October 2020 October 2019 to October 2020
  millions of dollarsmillions of dollarsmillions of dollars % change% change
Total exports 48,880 45,484 46,467 2.2 -4.9
Farm, fishing and intermediate food products 2,802 3,777 3,850 1.9 37.4
Energy products 9,308 6,169 6,653 7.8 -28.5
Metal ores and non-metallic minerals 1,605 1,936 1,576 -18.6 -1.8
Metal and non-metallic mineral products 5,671 5,248 5,554 5.8 -2.1
Basic and industrial chemical, plastic and rubber products 2,969 2,648 2,790 5.4 -6.0
Forestry products and building and packaging materials 3,411 3,942 4,039 2.5 18.4
Industrial machinery, equipment and parts 3,420 2,878 3,063 6.5 -10.4
Electronic and electrical equipment and parts 2,497 2,253 2,299 2.0 -7.9
Motor vehicles and parts 7,495 7,650 7,289 -4.7 -2.7
Aircraft and other transportation equipment and parts 2,506 1,881 1,706 -9.3 -31.9
Consumer goods 5,797 5,726 6,310 10.2 8.9
Special transactions trade 2 320 312 302 -3.3 -5.6
Other balance of payments adjustments 1,081 1,064 1,035 -2.7 -4.2
Total imports 50,690 49,302 50,230 1.9 -0.9
Farm, fishing and intermediate food products 1,755 1,800 1,894 5.2 7.9
Energy products 3,407 2,023 1,867 -7.7 -45.2
Metal ores and non-metallic minerals 1,183 1,350 1,507 11.7 27.5
Metal and non-metallic mineral products 3,347 4,510 3,953 -12.4 18.1
Basic and industrial chemical, plastic and rubber products 3,736 3,419 3,415 -0.1 -8.6
Forestry products and building and packaging materials 2,213 2,219 2,314 4.2 4.5
Industrial machinery, equipment and parts 5,673 5,296 5,506 3.9 -2.9
Electronic and electrical equipment and parts 6,133 5,595 6,128 9.5 -0.1
Motor vehicles and parts 9,207 8,719 8,797 0.9 -4.5
Aircraft and other transportation equipment and parts 1,965 1,342 1,215 -9.5 -38.1
Consumer goods 10,329 11,152 11,636 4.3 12.6
Special transactions trade 2 775 964 1,040 7.9 34.3
Other balance of payments adjustments 968 912 958 5.0 -1.0
Totals may not equal the sum of their components as a result of rounding.
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