Table 2 
Average price of cannabis, by province, 2019 

Average price of cannabis, by province, 2019
  Legal sources Illegal sources All sources
  dollars per gramdollars per gramdollars per gram
Canada 10.29 5.96 7.76
Newfoundland and Labrador 10.61 6.03 7.90
Prince Edward Island 11.19 5.22 8.20
Nova Scotia 10.93 5.52 8.26
New Brunswick 11.36 4.90 8.04
Quebec 7.88 5.08 6.24
Ontario 10.53 6.21 7.80
Manitoba 10.56 6.15 9.12
Saskatchewan 10.68 5.54 8.73
Alberta 10.96 6.13 8.74
British Columbia 9.32 5.95 6.90
Cannabis Stats Hub (Catalogue number13-610-X).
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