Infographic 1
Percentage of current consumers who access cannabis from each source (exclusively or not), by gender, Canada, first half of 2019

001&8211;Infographic1, 001

Infographic description

The title of the infographic is "Percentage of current consumers who access cannabis from each source (exclusively or not), by gender, Canada, first half of 2019"

This is a horizontal stacked bar chart.

The y axis represents the different sources categories ("Legal", "Illegal", "Friends and family", "Grow" and "Other") for each of "Total", "Males" and "Females".

The x axis, from 0 to 50, with increments of 5, represents the percentage of current cannabis users.

The total of the stacked bar shows the percentage of current cannabis users who reported accessing cannabis from each source. The first series represents those cannabis consumers who accessed cannabis from one source (One Source). The remainder of each bar shows the percentage who accessed cannabis from multiple sources (Multiple Sources).

The graph is separated into three main sections: Total (both genders combined), followed by Males and Females.

The combined stacked bar for the Total Legal category is 48% with the series One Source bar at 29%.

The combined stacked bar for the Total Illegal category is 42% with the series One Source bar at 19%.

The combined stacked bar for the Total Friends and family category is 37% with the series One Source bar at 18%.

The combined stacked bar for the Total Grow category is 8% with the series One Source bar at 3%.

The combined stacked bar for the Total Other category is 4% with the series One Source bar at 2%.

The combined stacked bar for the Males Legal category is 50% with the series One Source bar at 31%.

The combined stacked bar for the Males Illegal category is 43% with the series One Source bar at 19%.

The combined stacked bar for the Males Friends and family category is 33% with the series One Source bar at 15%.

The combined stacked bar for the Males Grow category is 9% with the series One Source bar at 3%.

The combined stacked bar for the Males Other category only has the One source series at 3%. The end of the bar chart is denoted with an F indicating the value was too unreliable to be published.

The combined stacked bar for the Females Legal category is 47% with the series One Source bar at 26%.

The combined stacked bar for the Females Illegal category is 40% with the series One Source bar at 19%.

The combined stacked bar for the Females Friends and family category is 42% with the series One Source bar at 23%.

The combined stacked bar for the Females Grow category is 7% with the series One Source bar at 2%.

The combined stacked bar for the Females Other category is denoted with an F indicating the values for the One source and Multiple sources series are too unreliable to be published.

The values comprising each stacked bar pertaining to males were compared to the corresponding estimates for females. The category Friends or family (Males) is denoted with an "*" indicating that the values for One source and Total are significantly different from each of the corresponding estimates for females.

Additional information below the bar chart:

F too unreliable to publish

* significantly different from corresponding estimates for females reporting one source and total.

Note(s): Because respondents could choose more than one category, the sum of the percentages do not add to 100%

Source(s): National Cannabis Survey (5262).

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