Chart 2
Gang-related homicides, Canada, 1997 to 2017

line chart&8211;Chart2, from 1997 to 2017
These data became available beginning in 1991. A homicide is classified as gang-related when police confirm or suspect that the accused person and/or the victim involved in the homicide was either a member, or a prospective member, of an organized crime group or street gang or was somehow associated with an organized crime group or street gang, and the homicide was carried out as a result of this association. Prior to 2005, police were asked if the homicide was "gang-related." Beginning in 2005, the question was amended to give police the option of specifying whether the homicide was: (a) confirmed as gang related or (b) suspected of being gang-related. As such, figures may be underestimated prior to 2005 due to suspected gang-related incidents that were excluded from the figures. Populations are based on July 1 estimates.

Chart description

This is a line chart.

Gang-related homicides, Canada, 1997 to 2017
  rate per 100,000 population
1997 0.09
1998 0.17
1999 0.15
2000 0.24
2001 0.20
2002 0.15
2003 0.28
2004 0.23
2005 0.33
2006 0.32
2007 0.36
2008 0.42
2009 0.37
2010 0.28
2011 0.28
2012 0.27
2013 0.24
2014 0.23
2015 0.27
2016 0.39
2017 0.44
These data became available beginning in 1991. A homicide is classified as gang-related when police confirm or suspect that the accused person and/or the victim involved in the homicide was either a member, or a prospective member, of an organized crime group or street gang or was somehow associated with an organized crime group or street gang, and the homicide was carried out as a result of this association. Prior to 2005, police were asked if the homicide was "gang-related." Beginning in 2005, the question was amended to give police the option of specifying whether the homicide was: (a) confirmed as gang related or (b) suspected of being gang-related. As such, figures may be underestimated prior to 2005 due to suspected gang-related incidents that were excluded from the figures. Populations are based on July 1 estimates.
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