Chart 3
Proportion of men and women over the age of 65, by major subject groupings, 2017/2018

bar stacked chart&8211;Chart3,
Full–time – University and College Academic Staff System (FT-UCASS) (3101).

Chart description

This is a bar stacked chart.

Proportion of men and women over the age of 65, by major subject groupings, 2017/2018, %
  Men Women
Education 50 50
Visual and performing arts 60 40
Humanities 60 40
Social and behavioural sciences, and law 70 30
Business, management and public administration 80 20
Physical and life sciences 90 10
Mathematics, computer and information sciences 90 10
Architecture and engineering 90 10
Agriculture, natural resources and conservation 90 10
Health, parks, recreation and fitness 70 30
Full–time – University and College Academic Staff System (FT-UCASS) (3101).
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