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Pipeline transportation of oil and other liquid petroleum products, June 2018

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Released: 2018-08-20

Crude oil receipts up

Pipelines in Canada received 20.8 million cubic metres of crude oil and equivalent products from fields and plants in June, up 4.5% compared with the same month in 2017. The vast majority originated in Alberta (86.4%), followed by Saskatchewan (10.5%).

Chart 1  Chart 1: Pipeline receipts of crude oil from fields and plants
Pipeline receipts of crude oil from fields and plants

Crude oil deliveries rise

Pipelines delivered 7.4 million cubic metres of crude oil to Canadian refineries in June, up 3.2% compared with the same month a year earlier. Of the total volume, 63.4% was sent to refineries in Alberta, Saskatchewan and British Columbia, while the balance was delivered to Ontario and Quebec refineries.

Exports and imports

Pipelines exported 15.4 million cubic metres of crude oil and equivalent products to the United States in June, up 10.1% compared with the same month a year earlier, while imports of these products totalled 1.8 million cubic metres.

Chart 2  Chart 2: Exports and imports of crude oil by pipeline
Exports and imports of crude oil by pipeline

Closing inventories increase

Closing inventories of crude oil totalled 13.0 million cubic metres in June, up 14.3% compared with the same month a year earlier.

Propane, butane and other products

Pipelines received 2.4 million cubic metres of propane, butane and other products from Canadian fields and plants in June. Meanwhile, closing inventories of the same products totalled 1.5 million cubic metres.

Quarterly review

For the quarter ending June 30, 2018, pipelines received 61.6 million cubic metres of crude oil and equivalent products from Canadian fields and plants, up 6.2% from the same quarter a year earlier. Over the same period, exports of these products rose 7.8% to 46.5 million cubic metres.

  Note to readers

Data in this release are not seasonally adjusted.

For more information, consult the methodology document Monthly Oil and Other Liquid Petroleum Products Pipeline Survey.


Crude oil and equivalent products include the following liquid hydrocarbons: crude oil, condensate, pentanes plus, and synthetic crude oil.

Inventories include inventories held in pipelines, tanks and terminals, but exclude inventories held in field batteries and inventories held in the United States.

Receipts from fields and plants include receipts from batteries and terminals associated with field separators and field upgraders, and receipts from gas processing plants and extraction plants. Receipts from fractionation plants are excluded.

Imports include receipts of foreign-produced oil, condensate, natural gas liquids and petroleum products destined for use in Canada.

Exports include deliveries of Canadian-produced oil, condensate, natural gas liquids and petroleum products destined for use outside Canada.

Deliveries to refineries include deliveries to upgrader/refinery complexes.

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