Table 14 
Students and other persons aged 15 to 24 by province, unadjusted for seasonality 

Students and other persons aged 15 to 24 by province, unadjusted for seasonality
  Population Labour force Employment  Full-time employment Part-time employment Unemployment Participation
Unemployment rate Employment
  thousandsthousandsthousandsthousandsthousandsthousands %%%
Newfoundland and Labrador                  
June 2017 27.1 13.1 11.7 3.9 7.8 1.4 48.3 10.7 43.2
June 2018 29.1 14.3 12.0 4.6 7.3 2.3 49.1 16.1 41.2
Prince Edward Island                  
June 2017 9.0 6.2 5.5 2.5 3.0 0.7 68.9 11.3 61.1
June 2018 9.0 5.7 5.3 2.4 2.9 0.4 63.3 7.0 58.9
Nova Scotia                  
June 2017 56.7 33.9 27.2 9.4 17.9 6.7 59.8 19.8 48.0
June 2018 50.4 27.9 23.0 7.9 15.2 4.8 55.4 17.2 45.6
New Brunswick                  
June 2017 37.7 21.8 18.6 7.9 10.7 3.1 57.8 14.2 49.3
June 2018 37.6 24.1 20.4 8.5 11.9 3.8 64.1 15.8 54.3
June 2017 535.1 349.5 299.9 102.9 197.0 49.7 65.3 14.2 56.0
June 2018 541.6 351.1 315.5 96.7 218.8 35.6 64.8 10.1 58.3
June 2017 986.1 521.0 438.1 148.6 289.4 82.9 52.8 15.9 44.4
June 2018 1,020.1 575.0 482.4 176.8 305.6 92.6 56.4 16.1 47.3
June 2017 79.6 43.6 38.3 14.7 23.6 5.3 54.8 12.2 48.1
June 2018 81.2 47.0 41.0 14.6 26.5 6.0 57.9 12.8 50.5
June 2017 62.4 34.4 30.7 10.3 20.4 3.7 55.1 10.8 49.2
June 2018 63.6 34.2 28.7 12.2 16.5 5.5 53.8 16.1 45.1
June 2017 243.3 136.4 116.2 47.3 68.9 20.2 56.1 14.8 47.8
June 2018 239.5 131.1 113.4 35.4 78.0 17.7 54.7 13.5 47.3
British Columbia                  
June 2017 278.0 151.8 138.8 37.8 101.0 12.9 54.6 8.5 49.9
June 2018 275.4 135.7 121.9 33.3 88.7 13.8 49.3 10.2 44.3
Other persons2                  
Newfoundland and Labrador                  
June 2017 27.6 22.2 18.7 12.8 5.9 3.4 80.4 15.3 67.8
June 2018 25.1 19.5 16.0 11.5 4.6 3.5 77.7 17.9 63.7
Prince Edward Island                  
June 2017 8.8 8.1 7.4 6.5 1.0 x 92.0 x 84.1
June 2018 9.0 8.4 7.6 6.1 1.4 x 93.3 x 84.4
Nova Scotia                  
June 2017 51.9 42.9 36.3 27.4 8.9 6.6 82.7 15.4 69.9
June 2018 57.6 48.1 40.5 32.4 8.1 7.7 83.5 16.0 70.3
New Brunswick                  
June 2017 44.3 33.2 29.9 23.5 6.4 3.2 74.9 9.6 67.5
June 2018 43.3 36.9 33.8 27.3 6.5 3.1 85.2 8.4 78.1
June 2017 381.0 321.7 294.6 225.6 69.1 27.1 84.4 8.4 77.3
June 2018 360.5 308.6 277.9 217.5 60.4 30.7 85.6 9.9 77.1
June 2017 797.0 651.1 585.4 415.4 169.9 65.7 81.7 10.1 73.5
June 2018 780.8 628.6 568.1 433.5 134.7 60.4 80.5 9.6 72.8
June 2017 85.2 71.1 64.8 48.3 16.5 6.4 83.5 9.0 76.1
June 2018 84.6 71.0 64.4 48.1 16.3 6.6 83.9 9.3 76.1
June 2017 71.4 60.6 53.7 42.8 10.9 6.9 84.9 11.4 75.2
June 2018 69.2 57.8 52.0 39.1 12.8 5.8 83.5 10.0 75.1
June 2017 266.6 227.7 200.7 147.7 52.9 27.0 85.4 11.9 75.3
June 2018 266.4 214.9 192.9 145.7 47.2 22.0 80.7 10.2 72.4
British Columbia                  
June 2017 303.3 261.3 246.4 173.7 72.6 15.0 86.2 5.7 81.2
June 2018 306.5 257.1 235.8 172.8 63.0 21.2 83.9 8.2 76.9
suppressed to meet the confidentiality requirements of the Statistics Act
Table 14-10-0286-01 (formerly CANSIM table 282-0006).
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