Flows and stocks of fixed non-residential and residential capital, by sector and asset, Canada (quarterly)(031-0009) |
Gross domestic product, income-based (quarterly)(380-0063) |
Gross domestic product, expenditure-based (quarterly)(380-0064) |
Gross national income and gross domestic income (quarterly)(380-0065) |
Price indexes, gross domestic product (quarterly)(380-0066) |
Household final consumption expenditure (quarterly)(380-0067) |
Gross fixed capital formation (quarterly)(380-0068) |
Investment in inventories (quarterly)(380-0069) |
Exports and imports of goods and services (quarterly)(380-0070) |
Current and capital accounts - National (quarterly)(380-0071) |
Current and capital accounts - Households (quarterly)(380-0072) |
Selected indicators - Households (quarterly)(380-0073) |
Compensation of employees (quarterly)(380-0074) |
Current and capital accounts - Non-profit institutions serving households (quarterly)(380-0075) |
Current and capital accounts - Corporations (quarterly)(380-0076) |
Undistributed corporation profits (quarterly)(380-0078) |
Current and capital accounts - General governments (quarterly)(380-0079) |
Revenue, expenditure and budgetary balance - General governments (quarterly)(380-0080) |
Revenue, expenditure and budgetary balance - Provincial administration, education and health (quarterly)(380-0081) |
Current and capital accounts - Non-residents (quarterly)(380-0082) |
Gross domestic income, gross national income and net national income (quarterly)(380-0083) |
Gross domestic product at 2007 constant prices, expenditure-based (quarterly)(380-0084) |
Detailed household final consumption expenditure (quarterly)(380-0085) |
Corporation profits before taxes, on an original-cost-basis, excluding government business enterprises (quarterly)(380-0086) |
Property income of households (quarterly)(380-0087) |
General governments final consumption expenditure (quarterly)(380-0088) |
Contributions to percent change in real gross domestic product, expenditure-based (annual)(380-0100) |
Gross national income and gross domestic income (annual)(380-0101) |
Gross domestic product indexes (annual)(380-0102) |
Contributions to percent change in real household final consumption expenditure (annual)(380-0103) |
Contributions to percent change in real gross fixed capital formation (annual)(380-0104) |
Contributions to percent change in real exports and imports of goods and services (annual)(380-0105) |
Gross domestic product at 2007 constant prices, expenditure-based (annual)(380-0106) |
Contributions to percent change in real general governments final consumption expenditure (annual)(380-0107) |
Wages, salaries and employers' social contributions (monthly)(382-0006) |