Chart 3
Debt-to-disposable-income ratio by household disposable income quintile, 2012 and 2016

bar clustered chart&8211;Chart3,
Distributions of household economic accounts and CANSIM table 378-0154.

Chart description

This is a bar clustered chart.

Debt-to-disposable-income ratio by household disposable income quintile, 2012 and 2016, %
  2012 2016
National average 162.6 172.1
Lowest quintile 343.4 333.4
Second quintile 195.5 196.0
Third quintile 184.8 193.6
Fourth quintile 158.8 177.8
Highest quintile 117.6 128.3
Distributions of household economic accounts and CANSIM table 378-0154.
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