Chart 1
Energy-related in-house research and development expenditures by area of technology in Canada, 2014-2015

Total energy technologies Fossil fuels Renewable energy resources Nuclear fission and fusion Electric power Hydrogen and fuel cells Energy efficiency Other energy related research and development 0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 millions of dollars 20142014 20152015
CANSIM table 358-0524.

Chart description

This is a bar clustered chart.

Energy-related in-house research and development expenditures by area of technology in Canada, 2014-2015 , millions of dollars
  2014 2015
Total energy technologies 2,129 1,590
Fossil fuels 1,340 948
Renewable energy resources 125 122
Nuclear fission and fusion 319 148
Electric power 79 102
Hydrogen and fuel cells 76 71
Energy efficiency 124 151
Other energy related research and development 65 49
CANSIM table 358-0524.
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