Chart 4
Fields of study¹ ranked by percentage of women among young people aged 25 to 34 with an earned doctorate², Canada, 2016
Primary groupings in the Classification of Instructional Programs, 2016. The fields 'personal, protective and transportation services' and 'other' are excluded from the detailed categories but are included in 'all fields of study.'
Excluding non-permanent residents.
Statistics Canada, Census of Population, 2016.
Chart description
This is a bar clustered chart.
% | |
Education | 73.6 |
Social and behavioural sciences and law | 64.6 |
Health and related fields | 62.4 |
Visual and performing arts, and communications technologies | 57.1 |
Agriculture, natural resources and conservation | 51.4 |
Humanities | 50.8 |
All fields of study | 50.6 |
Business, management and public administration | 49.5 |
Physical and life sciences and technologies | 48.7 |
Mathematics, computer and information sciences | 30.6 |
Architecture, engineering, and related technologies | 25.0 |
Primary groupings in the Classification of Instructional Programs, 2016. The fields 'personal, protective and transportation services' and 'other' are excluded from the detailed categories but are included in 'all fields of study.'
Excluding non-permanent residents.
Statistics Canada, Census of Population, 2016.
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