Table 2 
Average offered hourly wage for vacant positions by broad occupational group (one-digit NOC1), third quarter 2015 and third quarter 2016 

Average offered hourly wage for vacant positions by broad occupational group (one-digit NOC1), third quarter 2015 and third quarter 2016
  Third quarter 2015 Third quarter 2016 Third quarter 2015 to third quarter 2016 Third quarter 2015 to third quarter 2016
  current dollarscurrent dollars change % change
Management 31.80 35.25 3.45 10.8
Natural and applied sciences 29.10 30.35 1.25 4.3
Health 25.65 26.50 0.85 3.3
Education, law and social, community and government services 23.35 23.95 0.60 2.6
Trades, transport and equipment operators 20.60 21.20 0.60 2.9
Business, finance and administration 21.35 21.05 -0.30 -1.4
All occupations 18.45 19.80 1.35 7.3
Art, culture, recreation and sport 18.50 18.95 0.45 2.4
Manufacturing and utilities 15.45 15.50 0.05 0.3
Natural resources, agriculture and related production 14.80 13.85 -0.95 -6.4
Sales and services 12.75 13.25 0.50 3.9
CANSIM tables 285-0003 and 285-0004.
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