Table 1 
Farm cash receipts 

Farm cash receipts
  January to September 2015r January to September 2016p January–September 2015 to January–September 2016 July to September 2015r July to September 2016p July–September 2015 to July–September 2016
  millions of dollarsmillions of dollars % change1 millions of dollarsmillions of dollars % change1
Total farm cash receipts 43,585 43,502 -0.2 14,949 13,633 -8.8
Total crops 22,967 24,325 5.9 7,881 7,325 -7.0
Wheat excluding durum 3,866 3,548 -8.2 1,446 1,194 -17.4
Durum wheat 865 802 -7.3 323 204 -37.0
Barley 584 481 -17.6 176 131 -25.4
Oats  370 339 -8.4 151 141 -6.2
Flaxseed 198 193 -2.5 42 45 7.1
Canola 5,985 6,703 12.0 2,268 2,164 -4.6
Soybeans 1,196 1,329 11.2 374 349 -6.8
Corn 1,096 1,304 19.0 320 285 -10.9
Dry peas 533 870 63.3 239 201 -15.8
Lentils 1,025 1,052 2.6 367 374 1.8
Dry beans 120 103 -14.6 56 47 -15.7
Potatoes 841 910 8.3 240 260 8.2
Greenhouse vegetables 1,047 1,067 1.9 274 282 2.7
Field vegetables 1,094 1,129 3.2 717 739 3.2
Tree fruits 227 229 0.6 136 147 8.3
Small fruits 387 367 -5.0 318 294 -7.4
Floriculture, nursery and sod 1,525 1,535 0.7 518 522 0.7
Other crops 1,268 1,471 16.0 329 341 3.7
Deferments -891 -1,001 -12.3 -439 -417 5.0
Liquidations 1,631 1,894 16.1 26 22 -14.8
Total livestock 19,138 17,806 -7.0 6,497 5,737 -11.7
Cattle and calves 7,834 6,316 -19.4 2,686 1,892 -29.6
Hogs 3,159 3,218 1.9 1,113 1,047 -6.0
Dairy products 4,480 4,556 1.7 1,470 1,519 3.3
Sheep and lambs 144 135 -6.1 42 44 4.4
Poultry and eggs 2,838 2,994 5.5 951 1,022 7.5
Other livestock products 683 587 -14.0 235 214 -8.9
Total payments 1,481 1,370 -7.5 572 571 -0.2
Crop insurance 821 603 -26.6 328 287 -12.5
AgriInvest 202 214 6.1 92 95 3.4
AgriStability 217 231 6.2 74 92 23.9
Other payments 241 323 34.1 78 97 24.2
Figures may not add to totals because of rounding.
CANSIM table 002-0002.
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