Chart 1
Changes in national net worth

billions of dollars -600 -500 -400 -300 -200 -100 0 100 200 300 400 500 I II 2009 III IV I II 2010 III IV I II 2011 III IV I II 2012 III IV I II 2013 III IV I II 2014 III IV I II 2015 III National wealthNational wealth Canada's net international investment positionCanada's net international investment position National net worthNational net worth
CANSIM table 378-0121.

Chart description

This is a combined line chart.

Changes in national net worth, billions of dollars
  National wealth Canada's net international investment position National net worth
First quarter 2009 -505.660 -5.285 -510.945
Second quarter 2009 110.371 -2.806 107.565
Third quarter 2009 231.229 -31.747 199.482
Fourth quarter 2009 141.470 -34.056 107.414
First quarter 2010 355.203 -37.042 318.161
Second quarter 2010 -0.658 -22.991 -23.649
Third quarter 2010 11.554 13.437 24.991
Fourth quarter 2010 223.375 -33.147 190.228
First quarter 2011 298.948 -23.578 275.370
Second quarter 2011 224.742 -8.385 216.357
Third quarter 2011 4.972 32.687 37.659
Fourth quarter 2011 140.520 -2.072 138.448
First quarter 2012 -172.970 70.749 -102.221
Second quarter 2012 191.703 -27.172 164.531
Third quarter 2012 24.312 -47.860 -23.548
Fourth quarter 2012 225.279 -19.838 205.441
First quarter 2013 -28.507 65.311 36.804
Second quarter 2013 54.911 113.036 167.947
Third quarter 2013 398.966 39.810 438.776
Fourth quarter 2013 -231.035 95.880 -135.155
First quarter 2014 444.403 -7.237 437.166
Second quarter 2014 296.974 -92.398 204.576
Third quarter 2014 -177.462 84.131 -93.331
Fourth quarter 2014 -321.086 133.356 -187.730
First quarter 2015 56.166 103.648 159.814
Second quarter 2015 302.918 18.222 321.140
Third quarter 2015 -190.352 60.954 -129.398
CANSIM table 378-0121.
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