Chart 1
Confidence in Canadian institutions, 2013

Police School system Banks Justice system and courts Media Federal Parliament Major corporations 0 20 40 60 80 % of respondents Great deal of confidenceGreat deal of confidence Some confidenceSome confidence
Responses of "don't know" / "not stated" are excluded from the calculation of percentages.
General Social Survey on Social Identity (5024).

Chart description

This is a bar stacked chart.

Confidence in Canadian institutions, 2013, % of respondents
  Great deal of confidence Some confidence
Police 37 38
School system 20 41
Banks 24 36
Justice system and courts 20 37
Media 9 32
Federal Parliament 10 27
Major corporations 6 24
Responses of "don't know" / "not stated" are excluded from the calculation of percentages.
General Social Survey on Social Identity (5024).
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