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Inter-corporate ownership, third quarter 2014

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Released: 2014-12-23

The third quarter issue of the product Inter-corporate Ownership is now available.

This product is a directory of corporate ownership in Canada that provides information on every individual corporation that is part of a group of commonly controlled corporations with combined assets exceeding $600 million or combined revenue exceeding $200 million. Individual corporations with debt obligations or equity owing to non-residents exceeding a net book value of $1 million are covered as well.

Ultimate corporate control is determined through a careful study of holdings by corporations, the effects of options, insider holdings, convertible shares and interlocking directorships.

The information presented is based on non-confidential returns filed by Canadian corporations under the Corporations Returns Act and on research using public sources such as Internet sites. Entries for each corporation provide both the country of control and the country of residence.

The third quarter 2014 issue of Inter-corporate Ownership (Catalogue number61-517-X) is now available via Statistics Canada's electronic files transfer system.

Contact information

For more information, contact us (toll-free 1-800-263-1136; 514-283-8300;

To order this product, or to enquire about the concepts, methods or data quality of this release, contact Louise Noel (, Industrial Organization and Finance Division.

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