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Table 1 
Total and median net worth by age and family type

Total and median net worth by age and family type
1999 – Total net worth2012 – Total net worth1999 – Median net worth2012 – Median net worth1999 to 2012 – Median net worth
  millions of dollarsmillions of dollars dollarsdollars % change
All family units 3,903,014 8,073,585 137,000 243,800 78.0
Age of major income recipient          
under 35 309,022 523,943 23,300 25,300 8.6
35 to 44 763,841 1,056,173 124,800 182,500 46.2
45 to 54 1,010,672 2,014,041 244,100 378,300 55.0
55 to 64 852,631 2,298,198 354,200 533,600 50.6
65 and older 966,847 2,181,230 270,700 460,700 70.2
Economic families 3,285,165 6,747,994 201,700 381,300 89.0
Senior families 676,964 1,624,898 390,100 650,400 66.7
Non-senior families 2,608,200 5,123,096 176,600 318,600 80.4
Couples only 836,346 1,820,436 216,200 365,200 68.9
Couples with children under 18 1,024,041 1,803,075 164,800 302,100 83.3
Lone-parent families 74,532 127,256 20,000 37,000 85.0
Other non-senior families 673,282 1,372,328 263,000 423,000 60.8
Unattached individuals 617,849 1,325,591 38,000 49,000 28.9
Seniors 289,883 556,332 157,600 246,000 56.1
Non-seniors 327,966 769,259 17,600 22,700 29.0
Newfoundland and Labrador 32,480 80,238 84,500 167,900 98.7
Prince Edward Island 14,638 18,249 107,800 150,300 39.4
Nova Scotia 89,122 162,734 125,500 192,300 53.2
New Brunswick 69,392 123,249 106,200 175,100 64.9
Quebec 811,793 1,701,918 100,200 198,000 97.6
Ontario 1,599,959 3,135,098 167,700 265,700 58.4
Manitoba 121,767 236,398 135,900 224,800 65.4
Saskatchewan 127,240 269,325 168,300 271,400 61.3
Alberta 405,383 974,546 156,000 267,500 71.5
British Columbia 631,239 1,371,831 150,700 344,000 128.3
All dollar amounts are in constant 2012 dollars.
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