Table 1
Government revenue attributable to tourism

Government revenue attributable to tourism
  2010 2011 2010 to 2011
  millions of dollars % change
Level of government 20,054 21,372 6.6
Federal 9,017 9,623 6.7
Provincial and territorial 9,821 10,454 6.4
Municipal 1,216 1,295 6.5
Source of revenue 20,054 21,372 6.6
Income taxes 4,427 4,671 5.5
Other taxes on production¹ 2,556 2,796 9.4
Taxes on products (final sales) 10,506 11,171 6.3
Contributions to social insurance 2,095 2,250 7.4
Sales of goods and services 470 483 2.6
Including taxes on intermediate inputs.