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Thursday, February 16, 2012
Released at 8:30 a.m. Eastern time
Monthly Survey of Manufacturing, December 2011
Manufacturing sales advanced 0.6% in December to $49.9 billion, the fifth increase in six months. The transportation equipment industry led the gain.
Canada's international transactions in securities, December 2011
Foreign investment in Canadian securities slowed to $7.4 billion in December, half the amount recorded in November but still close to the average monthly investment in 2011. Meanwhile, Canadians acquired $2.8 billion of foreign securities in December, led by bonds.
Annual Trucking Survey, 2009 and 2010
Monthly Survey of Large Retailers, December 2011
Civil aviation operating statistics, December 2011
Supply and disposition of refined petroleum products, October 2011
Cable and satellite television, 2010
New products and studies
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