Table 4
Population estimates1 by sex and age group as of July 1, 2011, Canada

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Population estimates1 by sex and age group as of July 1, 2011, Canada
Age group Total Male Female
Total 34,482,779 17,104,098 17,378,681
0 to 4 years 1,921,203 982,889 938,314
5 to 9 years 1,823,983 938,803 885,180
10 to 14 years 1,899,661 975,748 923,913
15 to 19 years 2,196,437 1,123,767 1,072,670
20 to 24 years 2,402,234 1,234,223 1,168,011
25 to 29 years 2,419,280 1,227,544 1,191,736
30 to 34 years 2,348,086 1,173,463 1,174,623
35 to 39 years 2,290,396 1,149,025 1,141,371
40 to 44 years 2,396,726 1,206,180 1,190,546
45 to 49 years 2,750,685 1,384,979 1,365,706
50 to 54 years 2,668,169 1,333,326 1,334,843
55 to 59 years 2,354,191 1,161,120 1,193,071
60 to 64 years 2,038,290 998,378 1,039,912
65 to 69 years 1,534,466 744,151 790,315
70 to 74 years 1,142,574 538,828 603,746
75 to 79 years 918,295 415,433 502,862
80 to 84 years 703,048 293,347 409,701
85 to 89 years 439,034 157,271 281,763
90 to 94 years 179,895 52,717 127,178
95 to 99 years 48,557 11,338 37,219
100 years and over 7,569 1,568 6,001
Preliminary postcensal estimates.