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Table 4 Beneficiaries receiving regular benefits by census metropolitan areas

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Beneficiaries receiving regular benefits by census metropolitan areas
  February 2009 February 2010p February 2009 to February 2010 February 2009 to February 2010
  Unadjusted for seasonality
  number change in number % change
Newfoundland and Labrador        
St. John's 6,130 6,430 300 4.9
Nova Scotia        
Halifax 6,700 7,540 840 12.5
New Brunswick        
Saint John 2,610 3,380 770 29.5
Saguenay 6,680 6,330 -350 -5.2
Québec 15,260 15,370 110 0.7
Sherbrooke 4,580 4,460 -120 -2.6
Trois-Rivières 4,820 5,080 260 5.4
Montréal 75,430 86,400 10,970 14.5
Ottawa–Gatineau, Gatineau part 4,400 4,920 520 11.8
Ottawa–Gatineau, Ottawa part 7,530 9,390 1,860 24.7
Kingston 1,980 2,440 460 23.2
Oshawa 6,610 7,190 580 8.8
Toronto 89,940 98,790 8,850 9.8
Hamilton 13,680 12,430 -1,250 -9.1
St. Catharines–Niagara 11,190 11,730 540 4.8
Kitchener 10,470 9,770 -700 -6.7
London 10,170 9,430 -740 -7.3
Windsor 11,830 7,580 -4,250 -35.9
Greater Sudbury 3,780 5,730 1,950 51.6
Thunder Bay 3,010 3,030 20 0.7
Winnipeg 7,530 9,800 2,270 30.1
Regina 1,390 2,110 720 51.8
Saskatoon 2,440 3,030 590 24.2
Calgary 12,310 20,060 7,750 63.0
Edmonton 11,510 17,730 6,220 54.0
British Columbia        
Abbotsford–Mission 3,430 4,710 1,280 37.3
Vancouver 29,140 37,540 8,400 28.8
Victoria 3,620 4,520 900 24.9
The number of beneficiaries receiving regular benefits excludes claimants receiving training, job creation and self-employment benefits as well as other employment and support measures benefits.