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Table 3 Beneficiaries receiving regular benefits by age group, sex, province and territory

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Beneficiaries receiving regular benefits by age group, sex, province and territory
  February 2009 February 2010p February 2009 to February 2010 February 2009 to February 2010
  Unadjusted for seasonality
  number change in number % change
Both sexes 16,280 19,570 3,290 20.2
Under 25 years 2,320 2,770 450 19.4
25 to 54 years 11,220 13,190 1,970 17.6
55 years and over 2,740 3,610 870 31.8
Men 12,350 14,690 2,340 18.9
Women 3,930 4,880 950 24.2
Both sexes 14,490 16,840 2,350 16.2
Under 25 years 1,750 2,120 370 21.1
25 to 54 years 9,770 11,130 1,360 13.9
55 years and over 2,970 3,590 620 20.9
Men 10,600 12,100 1,500 14.2
Women 3,890 4,740 850 21.9
Both sexes 38,950 61,540 22,590 58.0
Under 25 years 5,140 7,290 2,150 41.8
25 to 54 years 27,480 43,740 16,260 59.2
55 years and over 6,330 10,510 4,180 66.0
Men 27,400 41,310 13,910 50.8
Women 11,550 20,230 8,680 75.2
British Columbia        
Both sexes 81,130 94,260 13,130 16.2
Under 25 years 10,830 11,390 560 5.2
25 to 54 years 56,770 65,200 8,430 14.8
55 years and over 13,540 17,680 4,140 30.6
Men 55,130 60,040 4,910 8.9
Women 26,000 34,220 8,220 31.6
Both sexes 1,280 1,400 120 9.4
Under 25 years 140 160 20 14.3
25 to 54 years 870 940 70 8.0
55 years and over 270 300 30 11.1
Men 870 960 90 10.3
Women 410 440 30 7.3
Northwest Territories        
Both sexes 940 1,000 60 6.4
Under 25 years 100 110 10 10.0
25 to 54 years 710 760 50 7.0
55 years and over 130 140 10 7.7
Men 670 700 30 4.5
Women 280 310 30 10.7
Both sexes 530 550 20 3.8
Under 25 years 60 60 0 0.0
25 to 54 years 420 450 30 7.1
55 years and over 50 40 -10 -20.0
Men 390 420 30 7.7
Women 140 140 0 0.0
The number of beneficiaries receiving regular benefits excludes claimants receiving training, job creation and self-employment benefits as well as other employment and support measures benefits.