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Table 2 Beneficiaries receiving regular benefits by age group, sex, province and territory

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Beneficiaries receiving regular benefits by age group, sex, province and territory
  February 2009 February 2010p February 2009 to February 2010 February 2009 to February 2010
  Unadjusted for seasonality
  number change in number % change
Both sexes 805,150 866,620 61,470 7.6
Under 25 years 94,460 98,020 3,560 3.8
25 to 54 years 569,230 602,650 33,420 5.9
55 years and over 141,470 165,950 24,480 17.3
Men 561,130 584,560 23,430 4.2
Under 25 years 75,220 75,470 250 0.3
25 to 54 years 386,910 397,180 10,270 2.7
55 years and over 99,000 111,900 12,900 13.0
Women 244,020 282,060 38,040 15.6
Under 25 years 19,240 22,550 3,310 17.2
25 to 54 years 182,320 205,460 23,140 12.7
55 years and over 42,470 54,050 11,580 27.3
Newfoundland and Labrador        
Both sexes 49,940 49,120 -820 -1.6
Under 25 years 4,700 4,650 -50 -1.1
25 to 54 years 34,200 32,880 -1,320 -3.9
55 years and over 11,040 11,590 550 5.0
Men 31,460 30,690 -770 -2.4
Women 18,490 18,440 -50 -0.3
Prince Edward Island        
Both sexes 11,480 12,140 660 5.7
Under 25 years 1,160 1,240 80 6.9
25 to 54 years 7,530 7,820 290 3.9
55 years and over 2,790 3,080 290 10.4
Men 7,230 7,580 350 4.8
Women 4,250 4,570 320 7.5
Nova Scotia        
Both sexes 40,410 42,680 2,270 5.6
Under 25 years 4,520 4,800 280 6.2
25 to 54 years 28,100 29,100 1,000 3.6
55 years and over 7,790 8,770 980 12.6
Men 27,130 27,960 830 3.1
Women 13,280 14,710 1,430 10.8
New Brunswick        
Both sexes 43,990 45,120 1,130 2.6
Under 25 years 4,240 4,280 40 0.9
25 to 54 years 30,450 30,560 110 0.4
55 years and over 9,310 10,290 980 10.5
Men 30,640 30,640 0 0.0
Women 13,350 14,480 1,130 8.5
Both sexes 246,840 254,190 7,350 3.0
Under 25 years 31,050 30,490 -560 -1.8
25 to 54 years 170,910 173,780 2,870 1.7
55 years and over 44,880 49,920 5,040 11.2
Men 175,340 178,120 2,780 1.6
Women 71,500 76,070 4,570 6.4
Both sexes 258,700 268,010 9,310 3.6
Under 25 years 28,440 28,670 230 0.8
25 to 54 years 190,640 192,940 2,300 1.2
55 years and over 39,620 46,400 6,780 17.1
Men 181,880 179,280 -2,600 -1.4
Women 76,830 88,730 11,900 15.5
The number of beneficiaries receiving regular benefits excludes claimants receiving training, job creation and self-employment benefits as well as other employment and support measures benefits.